Nelson Rodrigues: What framework do you recommend for a designer and developer duo starting in RWD?
EM: There are a number of great responsive frameworks out there: Foundation by ZURB, Josh Hopkins‘ Fluid Baseline Grid, and Twitter’s 2.0 release of Bootstrap has an optional responsive grid.
Each looks pretty damned promising to me, but I should probably mention I don’t use CSS frameworks for production code. I find them invaluable for prototyping, for getting ideas on the screen as quickly as possible, and seeing how they shake out in a responsive layout. But for final, client-ready deliverables, I like tailoring the code to the design, and finishing up with a responsive design that’s optimised for small screens by default, but progressively enhances up to wider displays.
Agreed. That’s exactly what I think of frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap. I never could imagine using one of these for an actual, real project.
There are also some more bits of knowledge in the Q&A.