So. The Leica Event ‚Das Wesentliche‘ is over and all of the rumors where true. Leica announced the Leica M Monochrom, which only shoots black and white images, but with really great image quality and much better low light performance than the M9. There is also a new lens, the APO-SUMMICRON-M 1:2/50 mm ASPH.
Furthermore there is a new X camera, the X2 and a new V-LUX. You can read about the details here. Leica also announced a Special Edition of the M9-P, the Hermès Editon.
So the M MONOCHROM seems to be pretty cool, altough we not really got to hear much about it. The presentation was really bad in my opinion, everything seemed a bit awkward.
The rest of the evening was good. Kai, Christoph and me talked a lot about all things cameras, drank wine and met some really nice people of Leica.
Today I will walk the streets of Berlin and try to take some decent photographs and also meet up with a few people.
Thank you Leica and I hope we’ll meet again in the future.