Hey everyone, I already told you about the new Editor by GitHub: Atom. It’s an invite only beta at the moment, but I got two more invites to give away. It’s currently Mac only, keep that in mind. So if you want one of the invites, just write a comment. First come, first serve. And now: Happy reading.
CSS Shake
Not that I think this is very useful, but it’s definitely funny. (via)New UI in Firefox Aurora
Firefox Aurora came out in Version 29 and it sports a new UI, which I really like. (Aurora is even more beta than Firefox beta, but you can get an idea what is coming down the pipe.)CodeKit 2 Release
CodeKit 2 is here. If you are not a fan of the command line and thus don’t use things like Grunt.js, this is THE app for you.MAMP 3
And another update to a very useful and already great, if not very good looking, app. Haven’t tried the new version, but it sure looks like it’s a worthy update.Just Do One Thing
Good advice. Make small steps. Achieve small goals. Feel good and keep going. It’ll add up.Improving the CSS performance of fixed position elements
Handy trick to stop fixed positioned elements from repainting on scroll.Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
Social Sharing Buttons are always a pain to implement responsively and responsibly. rrssb is here to help.