Book recommendation: Rework

A few days ago I finished reading Rework, the slightly different business book by the founders of 37signals, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.

On the cover there is a quote by Seth Godin that says „Ignore this book at your own peril“ and I can only agree.

Everybody who runs a company or — like me — is trying to build up a successful company should read this book. It’s full of little tidbits and advice.

The book is separated into twelve chapters:
First, Takedowns, Go, Progress, Productivity, Competitors, Evolution, Promotion, Hiring, Damage Control, Culture and the Conclusion.

That sounds like a long book about boring topics but it really isn’t. The chapters are short and on point. I almost always was able to highlight one sentence in every section that summarized it for me.

On the one hand I learned a lot and on the other I realized that we at are doing a lot of things the „right“ way by just trusting our gut feeling and being ourselves. That feels really good.

So I truly recommend reading Rework. Have fun!

Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS

Jonathan Snook:

I’ve been analyzing my process and the process of those around me and figuring out how best to structure code for projects on a larger scale. What Ive found is a process that works equally well for sites small and large.Learn how to structure your CSS to allow for flexibility and maintainability as your project and your team grows.

Just bought SMACSS, a book by Jonathan Snook about all things CSS. I know how to write CSS, but working on a big project like made me realize that writing CSS and writing CSS are not always the same. Crafting a robust, large site is much harder than throwing together a simple WordPress theme. Yesterday was the first time I applied a class to an element and forgot, that I already used it for a total different part of the site.
So while I have already learned a lot building the Front-End of, there is still so much to learn. I hope SMACSS will help me refine my CSS skills for large scale sites.

„Photographs Not Taken“

The New Yorker:

For “Photographs Not Taken,” a new book published by Daylight, the photographer and writer Will Steacy asked photographers to abandon their usual tools and make a picture without a camera. The result is a photo book entirely void of pictures, composed instead of essays written by photographers about those moments that never made it onto film, and the reasons why not.

That’s really interesting. The New Yorker also posted an excerpt from the book. I liked it.