Coda 2 LESS Syntax Highlighting

Paul Welsh:

Sytax Highlighting for LESS in Coda 2 (based on the CSS.mode supplied with Coda 2)

For Coda I had Syntax Highlighting for LESS because it didn’t recognize LESS as CSS and there are also some differences in the syntax itself. So here it is for Coda 2. Thanks Paul!

But I think in the future I’ll need the same for SASS.

Coda 2 is released! Buy it today!


A fresh approach to web code. Bursting with features but without bloat. Built to make your life better: Coda 2 is the editor you’ve always wanted.

As promised, Coda 2 is finally released. If you have the slightest urge to buy it, I recommend you do it now, because it’s for sale for only 39,99 € ($49). That’s 50% off, only today.
I bought it last night but only took a quick look. I’m so excited that I can’t wait to start working today. More about my experience with Coda 2 as the days continue and I really know how good it is. But I’ve no doubt this will be may editor of choice for a long time. So was the original Coda.

Diet Coda, the iPad counterpart is also out. I bought it but haven’t looked into it at this point. It’s 7,99€ ($9.99).

Coda 2 Review by Andy Soell

Andy Soell:

Coda 2 is big. Really big. It’s been five years since the original version of Coda launched, and this new major release brings a lot of features that Coda users have been clamoring for

In-depth review of the upcoming Coda 2 by Andy Soell. I haven’t had time to read it but I don’t want to hold it back until I have. So here you go.

Coda 2 and Diet Coda will be available on May 24th


We made Coda 2 better at everything.

So it can make you better at everything.

There is a short video to get a first impression, but I really can’t say anything until I’ve tried it myself. There will also be Diet Coda – Coda for iPad.

I’m really excited about this update. I was waiting for it a long time and I really hope it will pay off.

Coda 2 private beta


Coda 2 has now been in development for about a year and a half. All of us have been working incredibly hard on this forthcoming release. We’re finishing up new features, boosting up the editor, dramatically cleaning up the UI, and improving what Coda already does well today, all while, hopefully, keeping things extremely light and lean. By the time you see it, Coda might look a little different than you’re used to, but we think it’s for good reason. We’ll see how it shakes out, but we’re very excited.

Lange schon fragen wir uns wie es um die Entwicklung von Coda 2 steht. Endlich äußert sich Panic dazu. Sieht gut aus. Offenbar arbeiten sie hart dran und haben einen weiteren Meilenstein geschafft und stehen kurz vor der private beta. Bis zum Endprodukt soll es allerdings noch einige Monate dauern. Jeder kann sich zur private beta anmelden, allerdings ist die Chance für den Otto-Normal-Verbraucher doch eher gering rein zu kommen.

Ich arbeite derzeit mit Espresso 2 und bin sehr zufrieden, freue mich dennoch sehr auf Coda 2 und bin gespannt auf erste Screenshots oder gar Screencasts.