The 147 CSS3 Color Module color keywords

I use CodePen a lot for testing little things or getting to the bottom of a problem. Often I just need to color some divs or the like and I always fall back to using red or blue or green or simple hex codes like #000 or #ccc.

Recently I couldn’t take it anymore. Even though these are often only temporary pens I want them to please my eye at least a little bit. I remembered that there were some more predefined color names that one could use. What I found out was that there are actually 147 color keywords defined in the CSS3 Color Module. Pretty impressive.

I created a CodePen showing them off so I can go there and grab a nice color next time I need one.

See the Pen 147 CSS3 Color Module color keywords by Martin Wolf (@martinwolf) on CodePen.

18. Juli 2012

Flughafen Bonn, Juli 2012

Goodbye summer

Kassel, September 2012


A few days ago I took a little detour to work. This is one of the photos I took. And now let’s get ready for Tatort.

Good morning Hamburg

Today at half past seven on my way to work.

Somewhere near the water

Near Kollmar, August 18th 2012.

Have a nice sunday everyone

Have a nice sunday everyone!

Two photos of today

Have a seat

Near Kollmar, August 18th 2012


Hamburg, April 16th 2012