Weekly Recap

Happy Easter everyone! It was a slow week for me and thus it’s the shortest list since starting the Weekly Recap series, I apologise. Nevertheless, enjoy the links and don’t forget so spend some time with your family. Cheers!

  • CSSconf EU 2014
    After the huge success last year, the CSSconf EU is coming back this year. I hope to be there this year.

  • gulp – The vision, history, and future of the project
    Interesting background information on gulp.js.

  • Picturefill
    Picturefill Version 2 (Alpha) with native picture element support by Scott Jehl is here.

  • WordPress 3.9 “Smith”
    Version 3.9 of WordPress was released this week. It features easier image upload and editing and much more. I use it on this blog since it’s early alpha and recommend you update you blog, too.

  • Hassle Free Responsive Images for WordPress
    Interesting and well done solution but I’m hesitant to using it because if one would ever disable this plugin, all the shortcodes and therefore all images won’t work anymore.

  • IcoMoon
    If you work with icon fonts, this is THE web app for you. I use it all the time to create custom icon fonts.

Weekly Recap

It’s already sunday again, so here I am bringing you a bunch of hot links gathered over the past week. It’s a nice mix of technical posts and articles about meta topics concerning developers.

Weekly Recap

Hello lovely readers. This week was a busy one for me so I didn’t manage to read a lot and thus the list is a little shorter than in the past. But there are still very good articles in here. Have fun!

Weekly Recap

Hello everybody! It’s sunday again and this means it’s time for some link tips for you guys. A lot of good stuff this week. Let’s do this:

Weekly Recap

Biggest news this week was probably GitHub working on a new text editor. The Atom Editor is currently in invite-only Beta. More on that one soon. Until then, have a nice sunday and enjoy the links.

  • Sharing Podcasts
    Dave Rupert explains what the Podcasting Community might need to advance.

  • Retrieve Twitter and Facebook Counts with JSONP
    A simple and easy to use solution by David Walsh for showing Twitter and Facebook Counts without their official Buttons.

  • Posting Code Blocks on a WordPress Site
    Chris Coyier walks you through everything you need to know about blogging about code with WordPress. Highly recommended.

  • Getting started with CSS sourcemaps and in-browser Sass editing
    This week I played around with Sass Sourcemaps and Chrome Workspaces and for some time only worked in Chrome. Editing, viewing, inspecting, saving, everything. No editor needed. It was pretty awesome and I’m curious to see where this is going. As far as I know Firefox also implemented Workspaces in a beta release.

  • Introducing Atom
    Big News this week. GitHub is working on a text editor based on web technologies and they started a invite-only Beta. I managed to get an invite and I like what I see so far.

  • Beyond Tellerrand Conference
    An awesome conference happening in May in Düsseldorf, Germany. Check out the speaker lineup and I’m sure you wanna go. I’ll be there and am looking forward to meeting you guys.

Weekly Recap

Hello fellow Weekly Recappers! This time my list isn’t very long and that isn’t necessarily because there hasn’t been published much good stuff over the past week. I just didn’t get to read a lot. Nevertheless, I think what I gathered for you is pretty good. Enjoy!

Weekly Recap

This week the links are all on very different topics. Hope you like it.

  • A simple guide to responsive design.
    You are just getting started with responsive design and want an easy to understand introduction to some basic coding principles? Here you go, this is for you.

  • InstantClick
    This Javascript library preloads links you are about to click, more precisely when you hover over a link. There are even options for only preloading on mouse down so you don’t have to waste requests and still get a small performance boost. This is a pretty clever idea which will makes your site feel faster even if it isn’t.

  • Sublime Text Setup
    A simple starting guide to Sublime Text by Dave Rupert. Also lots of recommendations and tips in the comments.

  • Mediocre ideas, showing up, and persistence.
    Although this article by Chris Coyier is from last year, it’s good to revisit it once in a while. Now is this time.

  • Protecting Against Link Rot While Embracing the Future
    Making sure embedded content will always be accessible even if a service closes is a pretty good idea. Here is how you can do it with embedded CodePens. Even though we all hope we will never be without CodePen.

  • Parent selector: On has() and ^
    Hugo Giraudel explains the two possible syntax options for the upcoming CSS parent selector. I’m with him, by the way.

  • Multiple Simultaneous Ajax Requests (with one callback) in jQuery
    I’m still relatively new to Javascript, or jQuery, compared to HTML and CSS and am learning so much with every article I read on the topic. If you read this one, make also sure to read the comments, they provide an even simpler solution for the explained problem.

  • Harry Roberts on big CSS, working for Sky, and being a home bird
    Nice, short interview with Harry Roberts. Worth a read.

Weekly Recap

This week I’ve got a lot of links to share with you. So let’s get started:

  • The first year as a themeforest author
    Very interesting article on selling themes on ThemeForest. Sounds fun, even though the earnings aren’t that much, considering they need to suffice for two people.

Weekly Recap

Hello and welcome to another Weekly Recap. This week is a nice mix of CSS, Javascript and general topics. Let’s dive in:

  • Responsive Javascript
    Most of us know a lot more about responsive CSS than about responsive Javascript. So go ahead and have a look at this one-pager that answers questions like „What is Responsive Javascript?“ and „What are the Browser APIs?“.

  • Use zero-width spaces to stop annoying Twitter users
    Harry Roberts has a simple trick for you how to write @import or other @-statements in tweets without mentioning users.

  • CSS animation-fill-mode
    I recently searched for exactly that: Being able to stop an animation at 100% and don’t have it going back to 0%. Works in IE10 and newer and all the cool kids on the block. I also created a CodePen.

  • Adaptive Backgrounds
    Cool jQuery plugin that extracts dominant colors from images and applies them to their parent elements.

  • Single Line Comments (//) in CSS
    I’m writing CSS on a daily basis for years now and I wasn’t aware of CSS not really supporting single line comments. Probably because it always worked for me because I either didn’t minify my CSS in the past or Sass is now doing some magic for me which allows me to use single line comments. Either way, necessary read.

  • DevSwag
    Need some new webdev related stickers or T-Shirts? Here you go.

  • 30 years of Macintosh
    On Friday, January 24th 2013, the Macintosh turned 30. This is the video and page Apple put together to celebrate. Well done.

  • Sitespeed.io
    This is an awesome tool to analyze your sites performance and get helpful tips how to improve it. You need to handle it via the command line but it’s really worth to learn it.

Weekly Recap

Hello and welcome to the second Weekly Recap. I like the format and from what I’ve heard, you like it too. So here we go.