Twitter’s new logo

Dustin Curtis:

This is definitely a huge improvement. The new bird feels like it’s flying.

Twitter dumped their lettering logo and replaced it with a redesigned bird. Dustin Curtis has a side by side comparison of the old and the new one. Sure, the latter looks more like it’s flying, but I think the old one looks nicer.
In my opinion the new one looks more heroic whereas the old one looks cuter. However, here is a short description of the new twitter logo by Doug Bowman, Creative Director at Twitter.

Adventskalender 2010 – 09. Erkennungstafel einrichten

Die Frage danach wie man denn das eigene Logo oben links in Lightroom integriert tauchte auf und ich habe sie mal kurz beantwortet. Außerdem gibt’s noch einen kurzen Abstecher in ein Foto. :D