Anonym gefragt: Wo liegt dein Placescore Punkterekord?

Mein Placescore Punkterekord liegt bei mageren 315 Punkten. Ich weiß nicht was es ist, aber ich bin einfach nicht sonderlich gut in unserem Spiel. Ich bin schlichtweg zu langsam die Möglichkeiten zu erkennen. Ist natürlich etwas blöd, aber vielleicht gibt’s dafür bald eine Lösung.

Jeder, der sich mit Twitter angemeldet hat, kann übrigens hier den persönlichen Highscore herausfinden:

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On Tuesday, March 4th, Marcel, Florian, Philipp and me finally released Placescore. If you haven’t heard of it, here it is in a nutshell:

Placescore is an iPhone app that let’s you conquer places. You do that by playing a simple game in which you have to bring three dots of the same color together to score points. If you score more points than the owner of the place, it’s yours. It’s that simple and it’s addictive.

The past few days were just amazing. There are already over 3.000 players who have played over 100.000 games. This is incredible and more than we hoped for. Thank you so much for playing Placescore and telling your friends about it. We have some cool things in store for the future and hope you stay with us. Keep playing. #plopp

Placescore on the App Store



The development of the Placescore 1.0 is coming to an end soon. More photos of yesterdays evening at Marcel and Philipp.

flo marcel philipp