Weekly Recap

It’s already sunday again, so here I am bringing you a bunch of hot links gathered over the past week. It’s a nice mix of technical posts and articles about meta topics concerning developers.

Weekly Recap

Hello and welcome to another Weekly Recap. This week is a nice mix of CSS, Javascript and general topics. Let’s dive in:

  • Responsive Javascript
    Most of us know a lot more about responsive CSS than about responsive Javascript. So go ahead and have a look at this one-pager that answers questions like „What is Responsive Javascript?“ and „What are the Browser APIs?“.

  • Use zero-width spaces to stop annoying Twitter users
    Harry Roberts has a simple trick for you how to write @import or other @-statements in tweets without mentioning users.

  • CSS animation-fill-mode
    I recently searched for exactly that: Being able to stop an animation at 100% and don’t have it going back to 0%. Works in IE10 and newer and all the cool kids on the block. I also created a CodePen.

  • Adaptive Backgrounds
    Cool jQuery plugin that extracts dominant colors from images and applies them to their parent elements.

  • Single Line Comments (//) in CSS
    I’m writing CSS on a daily basis for years now and I wasn’t aware of CSS not really supporting single line comments. Probably because it always worked for me because I either didn’t minify my CSS in the past or Sass is now doing some magic for me which allows me to use single line comments. Either way, necessary read.

  • DevSwag
    Need some new webdev related stickers or T-Shirts? Here you go.

  • 30 years of Macintosh
    On Friday, January 24th 2013, the Macintosh turned 30. This is the video and page Apple put together to celebrate. Well done.

  • Sitespeed.io
    This is an awesome tool to analyze your sites performance and get helpful tips how to improve it. You need to handle it via the command line but it’s really worth to learn it.